Thursday, May 14, 2020

Part 2: Story time!

Title:The Tricky Little Fish.

      Tony is a naughty little fish. He likes to play tricks on his friends. He always shouts.  "Shark!   Shark!
Quick hide behind the rocks! "His friends quickly swim behind the rocks. Then he bursts out laughing.
The fish are afraid of sharks. The sharks eat them as food. Sometimes it is only a turtle or a dolphin but Tony always shouts, "Shark! Shark!" They believe Tony. They quickly go into hiding. Then Tony laughs at them.Tony likes to frighten his friends. He thinks it is a game. However, one afternoon, a shark really appears above them. Another fish sees the shark. He shouts,  "Shark!  Shark!"  They quickly hide behind the rocks. Tony thinks his friends want to trick him. After a while, he comes out and says, "All right you win! This is only a game. There aren`t any sharks!" The shark can see Tony below. He dives down and eats Tony up!

Moral:Playing tricks on others may get you into trouble.

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